By Geno McGahee
The Best Friends arrive at the arena. Jon Moxley talked about his match with Darby Allin tonight and he once again does a great promo.
Santana and Ortiz of the Inner Circle come to the ring and I’m hoping for the tiger claw from Ortiz this week! The Best friends are the #2 contenders for the tag team gold and the Inner Circle has been on a losing streak. This is a must win for the Inner Circle members.
The Best Friends are controlling the action, but you can’t doubt the great hair of Ortiz. It’s hilarious. Ortiz and Santana are regrouping outside the ring, trying to change the momentum of the match.
Ortiz is bringing out his taunts. He is one of the amusing guys in AEW. Santana and Ortiz have taken over the match and are working on Trent’s lower back. Ortiz is beating up Trent and looking at the camera, saying “look at your baby boy Sue,” a message to his mother. Great stuff.
Chuck Taylor gets the hot tag and lands the falcon arrow on Ortiz for a near fall. Trent lands a superplex on Ortiz and it’s not looking good for the Inner Circle. The momentum shifts back and a great series of double team moves gets a near fall on Trent.
Best Friends sneak a quick roll up on Ortiz for the 3 count. The #2 contenders continue their quest for another title shot.