FAMILY SECRET World Premiere comes to Wallingford Connecticut


X Posse/Webhead Entertainment Press release

This year celebrate Halloween on Thursday night, October 28th at 8pm at Holiday Stadium Cinemas 14 in Wallingford, CT by attending the WORLD PREMIERE of Geno McGahee’s FAMILY SECRET!!

FAMILY SECRET is co-produced by X Posse Productions and Webhead Entertainment and you are officially invited to the World Premiere of Geno McGahee’s latest micro-budget horror/suspense/thriller shot entirely in Western Massachusetts in the summer of 2009.

FAMILY SECRET is loaded with regional acting talent including Forris Day, Leeann Aubuchon, Jaki-Valensi Lauper, Timothy Pieciak, Logan Lopez, Kate Lago, Martin DuPlessis, Ellen Pilch and many more, INCLUDING the movie debut of former Junior Middleweight Boxing Champion Jose Antonio Rivera of Worcester, MA.

Come to HOLIDAY CINEMAS for the World Premiere and meet members of the cast & crew!!

Save the evening of October 28th and catch a glimpse into the twisted mind of Geno McGahee as he brings his unique vision of the darker side of regional New England to the big screen!

Tickets are just 10 dollars apiece and are available at the Holiday Cinemas Box Office and through Webhead Entertainment, LLC.


Holiday Cinemas Stadium 14 in Wallingford CT
970 N Colony Rd (Rte 5)
Wallingford, CT

Thursday, October 28 • 8:00pm – 10:00pm

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