By Geno McGahee
Two of my favorite wrestlers in the game, Orange Cassidy and Ortiz are in action tonight. We have a six man tag with the Inner Circle taking on the Best Friends with Orange Cassidy in what is sure to be great amusement.
The Inner Circle attacks early and Hager is destroying Orange Cassidy. Jericho is rejoicing at the success of his friends in the early goings. Cassidy is still outside recovering from the Hager attack.
The Best Friends start taking over the action with some high-flying action and poor Ortiz is in great pain. I’m waiting for the tiger claw! Hager is the equalizer. He just keeps destroying all three members of the Best Friends.
We have a major showdown in the ring between Hager and Cassidy and Freshly Squeezed is beating down the entire Inner Circle. It doesn’t last long. Hager catches Cassidy and power slams him.
Unbelievably, Cassidy sneaks a pin on Ortiz for the 1-2-3, leading to Jericho coming to the ring with his baseball bat. The beat down ensues. Jericho comes out with a bag of oranges. Orange Cassidy is bleeding and gets hit with the bag of oranges to do further damage. Cassidy has paid a dear price for getting into the business of the Inner Circle in the past couple of weeks.