After the release of the next update for World of Warcraft called Dragonflight in November 2022, players got the opportunity to work with the order system.
This means that now all players can place orders for weapons, armor, jewelry, decorative items and potions, and gamers with advanced crafting skills will be able to complete such orders and earn gold.
To access the order table from the client or craftsman side, you need to go to Waldrakken – the capital of the Dragon Isles.
This can be done by reaching level 60, which was the final update for the Shadowlands and sailing to new territories and content.
You can get the level you need by leveling up – killing monsters in hunting zones, completing story and side quests, farming raids or applying for wow boosting services from professional players. Your character will be upgraded to level 60, and you will be able to go to the Dragon Island and master new content.
Where to find the right NPC to work with orders in the Dragon Isles
NPCs that combine client players and artisans into one common system of orders are called clerks.
Go to Waldrakken – the capital of the dragon islands and find the artisan market, it is located in the southwest of the city.
The location of the second clerk is at the Crossing at the fork in the river in the southeast of On Ara Plain.
How the order system works in World of Warcraft Dragonflight
Players who will interact with the profession system are divided into two types:
- Clients
- Artisans
Any player-client can leave an order for the manufacture of a necessary item without restrictions, but an artisan who has the required profession level and has a studied recipe for this item for production can accept it.
Restrictions in the order system set by game developers
Blizzard has set some restrictions on the work of the new mechanics of orders – this is done to maintain balance, control the server economy and take an infinite number of orders.
- Each order is linked to its own server. You will not be able to entrust the crafting process to a player from another game server.
- Each master craftsman has a limit of no more than 30 orders per day.
- Each application has a limited time for acceptance into work and is 2 hours, the crafter player will be able to accept it even if this assignment increases his maximum limit. After two hours, the application will lose its relevance and must be recreated.
- After accepting a crafting request for work, the craftsman has 30 minutes to complete it.
- You can only have one active order at your disposal. It will be possible to take a new one either after 30 minutes, or immediately after the execution of the current order and the transfer of the finished product to the client.
What Client Players Should Know
When creating a public order, or an order available to all artisans, you must attach all the necessary materials and reagents that the master will need to create it.
When creating a private order, or a personal assignment, you do not have to provide the artisan with everything you need – then the master must use materials and reagents from his personal stocks.
When ordering especially valuable heroic and epochal equipment, you will need to attach unique materials and reagents to the order, which the master cannot use from his stocks.
Spark of Mastery – Received as a reward in some quests on the Dragon Isles in the Dragonflight update. You can earn the first spark by completing story missions and getting the Discovery Engine. In the future, you will be able to pass Tyr’s tests every two weeks until you get the maximum amount – 5 pcs.
In the future, you will be able to receive new Sparks of Mastery in a different form with a small chance:
- Bottled Essence – Dropped for completing activities on the Dragon Isles.
- Primal Flask – Created by combining Primal Focus and Primal Chaos. Both components are obtained with a certain chance during raids on the islands, Mythic dungeons and PVP activities.
- A pre-made primal flask is also obtained as a renown reward.
How to place an order
Contact the NPC clerk in the capital of the Dragon Isles, or at the crossing.
Select the item you want – for general convenience, all categories are sorted.
If you know what to look for, follow the categories, or search by item name or item type.
Having decided on the choice – click on its name and proceed to checkout. You must provide the artisan with all the necessary materials and reagents, and indicate the amount of gold that you consider fair for such an order. If any of the conditions is not met, the create order button will be inactive.
You need to specify who will be able to see the created order – public will be visible to everyone, private – only to the specified player by entering his nickname, guild – only for members of your guild.
Public – the only type of order that requires the provision of the necessary materials for crafting as a prerequisite. Private and guild orders imply a personal acquaintance with the master and give the players the opportunity to decide for themselves whose materials will be used to make the item.
Item rework
Now in the Dragonflight update, crafters can try to remake an item – dismantle an existing one in order to try to create the same higher quality. It will take less resources to make, but it will require a special material – Master’s Zeal.